How to choose the best security fence for home defense

June 23, 2022

Many homeowners install a fence around their property without giving much thought to it. After all, any fence is better than no fence, right?
Well, not really. As we’ve already discussed previously, some fences can actually make you a target for burglars, which is the opposite of what you want
So how do you get a good security fence that will actually help protect your home from burglars?

In general, you want a fence that:


Doesn’t provide hiding places
Is hard to climb over
Cannot be easily bypassed


Wire mesh fencing is a tightly woven grid of wire. It usually comes in panels that are hung between metal poles.
Wire mesh has some of the benefits of chain link fences, without the cons (easy to cut and climb). Check out this video from a wire mesh fence manufacturer on the downfalls of chain link.

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